The age of information is upon us, and it is more important than ever for every citizen of earth to have access to and control over their own information. The challenge is almost as newborn as the tools we are being equipped with to meet it. Until thirty years ago, people had nothing but pencil and paper to keep track of data and model concepts. Today, branches of the technology scientists use to train artificially intelligent agents and learn about the inner workings of the human mind are growing closer to being accessible for everyone.
Everyone has problems. For every problem, there exists someone somewhere in the world who has had the same problem sometime, and solved it. Do you have unique ideas that could help people? Do you want to share?
In what terms do you think? Across the world as well as across disciplines, professionals use a wide variety of mental systems to understand and describe the world around us. Learn about and refine how you think while learning to understand how others think. Then apply your knowledge. Help us all brainstorm, plan, and act on progressive ways to work together. Make suggestions, proposals, and comments. Your informed opinion is invaluable, and the 3rdMind will make it count. Let your voice be heard!
2013 The Scientific Social Network